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require_once 'phing/tasks/ext/git/GitBaseTask.php';
class GuzzleSubSplitTask extends GitBaseTask
protected $remote = null;
protected $heads = null;
protected $tags = null;
protected $base = null;
protected $subIndicatorFile = 'composer.json';
protected $dryRun = null;
protected $noHeads = false;
protected $noTags = false;
protected $splits;
public function setRemote($str)
$this->remote = $str;
public function getRemote()
return $this->remote;
public function setHeads($str)
$this->heads = explode(',', $str);
public function getHeads()
return $this->heads;
public function setTags($str)
$this->tags = explode(',', $str);
public function getTags()
return $this->tags;
public function setBase($str)
$this->base = $str;
public function getBase()
return $this->base;
public function setSubIndicatorFile($str)
$this->subIndicatorFile = $str;
public function getSubIndicatorFile()
return $this->subIndicatorFile;
public function setDryRun($bool)
$this->dryRun = (bool) $bool;
public function getDryRun()
return $this->dryRun;
public function setNoHeads($bool)
$this->noHeads = (bool) $bool;
public function getNoHeads()
return $this->noHeads;
public function setNoTags($bool)
$this->noTags = (bool) $bool;
public function getNoTags()
return $this->noTags;
protected $client = null;
public function main()
$repo = $this->getRepository();
if (empty($repo)) {
throw new BuildException('"repository" is a required parameter');
$remote = $this->getRemote();
if (empty($remote)) {
throw new BuildException('"remote" is a required parameter');
$this->client = $this->getGitClient(false, $repo);
if (!is_dir('.subsplit')) {
} else {
public function publish()
$this->log('DRY RUN ONLY FOR NOW');
$base = $this->getBase();
$base = rtrim($base, '/') . '/';
$org = $this->getOwningTarget()->getProject()->getProperty('github.org');
$splits = array();
$heads = $this->getHeads();
foreach ($heads as $head) {
foreach ($this->splits[$head] as $component => $meta) {
$splits[] = $base . $component . ':git@github.com:'. $org.'/'.$meta['repo'];
$cmd = 'git subsplit publish ';
$cmd .= escapeshellarg(implode(' ', $splits));
if ($this->getNoHeads()) {
$cmd .= ' --no-heads';
} else {
$cmd .= ' --heads='.$head;
if ($this->getNoTags()) {
$cmd .= ' --no-tags';
} else {
if ($this->getTags()) {
$cmd .= ' --tags=' . escapeshellarg(implode(' ', $this->getTags()));
public function subsplitUpdate()
$repo = $this->getRepository();
$this->log('git-subsplit update...');
$cmd = $this->client->getCommand('subsplit');
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new BuildException('git subsplit update failed'. $e);
chdir($repo . '/.subsplit');
passthru('php ../composer.phar update --dev');
public function subsplitInit()
$remote = $this->getRemote();
$cmd = $this->client->getCommand('subsplit');
$this->log('running git-subsplit init ' . $remote);
try {
$output = $cmd->execute();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new BuildException('git subsplit init failed'. $e);
$this->log(trim($output), Project::MSG_INFO);
$repo = $this->getRepository();
chdir($repo . '/.subsplit');
passthru('php ../composer.phar install --dev');
protected function findSplits()
$this->log("checking heads for subsplits");
$repo = $this->getRepository();
$base = $this->getBase();
$splits = array();
$heads = $this->getHeads();
if (!empty($base)) {
$base = '/' . ltrim($base, '/');
} else {
$base = '/';
chdir($repo . '/.subsplit');
foreach ($heads as $head) {
$splits[$head] = array();
passthru("git checkout '$head'");
$ds = new DirectoryScanner();
$ds->setBasedir($repo . '/.subsplit' . $base);
$files = $ds->getIncludedFiles();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$pkg = file_get_contents($repo . '/.subsplit' . $base .'/'. $file);
$pkg_json = json_decode($pkg, true);
$name = $pkg_json['name'];
$component = str_replace('/composer.json', '', $file);
$tmpreponame = explode('/', $name);
$reponame = $tmpreponame[1];
$splits[$head][$component]['repo'] = $reponame;
$nscomponent = str_replace('/', '\\', $component);
$splits[$head][$component]['desc'] = "[READ ONLY] Subtree split of $nscomponent: " . $pkg_json['description'];
passthru("git checkout master");
$this->splits = $splits;
protected function verifyRepos()
$this->log('verifying GitHub target repos');
$github_org = $this->getOwningTarget()->getProject()->getProperty('github.org');
$github_creds = $this->getOwningTarget()->getProject()->getProperty('github.basicauth');
if ($github_creds == 'username:password') {
$this->log('Skipping GitHub repo checks. Update github.basicauth in build.properties to verify repos.', 1);
$ch = curl_init('https://api.github.com/orgs/'.$github_org.'/repos?type=all');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $github_creds);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
$repos = json_decode($result, true);
$existing_repos = array();
foreach ($repos as $repo) {
$tmpreponame = explode('/', $repo['full_name']);
$reponame = $tmpreponame[1];
$existing_repos[$reponame] = $repo['description'];
$heads = $this->getHeads();
foreach ($heads as $head) {
foreach ($this->splits[$head] as $component => $meta) {
$reponame = $meta['repo'];
if (!isset($existing_repos[$reponame])) {
$this->log("Creating missing repo $reponame");
$payload = array(
'name' => $reponame,
'description' => $meta['desc'],
'homepage' => 'http://www.guzzlephp.org/',
'private' => true,
'has_issues' => false,
'has_wiki' => false,
'has_downloads' => true,
'auto_init' => false
$ch = curl_init('https://api.github.com/orgs/'.$github_org.'/repos');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $github_creds);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($payload));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo "Response code: ".curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)."\n";
} else {
$this->log("Repo $reponame exists", 2);